Hash House Harriers Space Coast

H3SC Trash No. 62
Milk-N-Cookies Hash
July 10th, 2005

It was a beautiful Sunday but the threat of Dennis raining on our parade
kept the fair weather hashers home. So we had a small but hardy group with

Hares: Goldie Licks and Short Straw
Hounds: Cockpit, LMAU, Just Puke, Harry Cheeseballs, Kittylingus, Slow Poker,
Shop Teacher (pulled up on his chopper) and Dr. Anus.
 Also dragged here against her will, Gator Bait.

Started off with a nice bi-lingual chalk talk next to the Winn Dixie at
Barnes and Murrel. Lots of symbols depicting animal life.
Ooh wee sounds like we may be going off road.

Ok Runners out. Huh isn�t it Walkers out? Trust the Hares. Ok so runners
take off heading west and then its walkers out. Y�all head south till you
hit Micky D�s and look for the intersection.

Lots of stuff happened here but being Hares and having to get to the 1st
beer check we had to wait to hear about it.

Poor Puke got assaulted by a beer can (must have been revenge) and was
unable to do trail with his twisted ankle. He jumped in the back of the beer
truck and off we went down Barnes. We let Goldie jump out and mark the true
trails on the dry side of the ditches and then we pulled into storage units
and hustled to the back with BEER to wait for the hounds.

Hark are those whistles we hear? Yes indeedy, but they were still far off so
open up another brewski and tell some more lies to each other. It seemed like
forever but finally a hound shows up. Gee it�s none other than Dr. Anus, hobbling in
and dry as a bone. Damn it! there were water crossings, how he�d get around
those? Next Kitty and Gator Bait both looking pretty rank with the smell to
match (I knew there were water crossings) and then Harry Cheeseballs,
looking like he had a pretty good swim. Shop Teacher showed up mildly wet
then the girls and SP.

It seems that Dr. Anus built a small bridge for the 1st water crossing but
when Shop Teacher went to use it, well lets just say the weight limit was
exceeded and a KER-SPLASH insued. The rest of the pack wandered up and down
the shore looking for an easier way to cross (not likely) so they just
sucked it up and waded thru (only knee deep). They then crossed Barnes only
to see trail went on the other side of another Water Crossing. Dr. (Lighter
than Air) Anus takes a running start and vaults the water only to come down
hard on his knee (thus the hobbling) but makes it and continues. Kitty
thinks that�s pretty easy so he tries (oops! weight factor again). He hits
the far back only to slide back into the ditch. Harry tries, Harry Fails and
lands mid crossing (this one chest high). The rest are cowards and range
adding another .5 miles to their trail. Oh well beer is cold and it�s a
lovely spot in the woods (see LMAUs pics) On-out.

Everyone heads back to the road and to a trailhead while Shorty takes off
the back way to meet the
pack at the 2nd beer check.

Nice little trail with a CB 4 at the old beer check. Well Shorty�s waiting
under this awesome shade tree when Dr. Anus (imagine that) runs on by
followed shortly by Slow Poker (how the hell did that happen). They run
into a CB 2 BC. (Anus not listening to chalk talk starts to run back to
the 1st beer check. Slow Poker is adamant that its count 2 and look for the
BC. Oops Shorty is spotted so Anus comes on back.

The girls had already called that they were going to wait by the Photo � Op.
So we�re waiting for
Harry to show up. Everyone crouches down as he runs by to let him hit
CB 2 BC. After a minute it�s what the heck. And we spot him on the ridge,
We holler and whistle to get his ass back. He tells us he thought it was a
CB 0.
Whatever. Pack Away Turkey Eagle split coming up. Eagles will be
 with a shorter but harder trail. Everyone says they are going

So Shorty grabs the remaining beer and back track to the trail head only to hear Dr. A coming
up behind him. Why the hell aren�t you doing Eagle? This
is the Turkey trail. Where was the split?
Back at the gate that you had to
go around.
I didn�t go around anything I went between the rails (skinny
 Well idiot you were standing on the T E split. Go back and try
again. So I continue on
my way and he goes back. Well here we are on Barnes
blvd on the other side of the a ditch.
Slow Poker and Harry are on the other side. Guys come on over it�s not that deep.
They try pole vaulting can�t quite get it so Harry just jumps in and Slow Poker follows
his lead.
They take off on trail. Dr. Anus shows up 5 minutes later and
thinks for a second or 2 and
grabs the 2 x 4 and trys the pole vaulting (god damn lighter than Air fuck).
I thought for sure he�d get wet on this one. Oh no he just sails along skimming the top of the water.
And off he goes to
reel in the other 2. But wait where�s Kitty, shop teacher and Gator bait.

The idiots like Anus missed the T E split and had made it almost all the way back to the 1st BC (not on trail).
Shorty boy scouted and got them to the

Circle up boy and girls. Milk and Cookies for everyone (apparently
some IDIOT called us the
Milk and Cookie hash so that�s what we served).

Ice was set out (Damn you Kojak for giving SP that box) and the normal accusations ensued.

Overall @ 4miles of trail 5 if you tried to range around crossings and ignore T E splits.

Maggies Picture says it all �This trail was RUFF, I tell you Ruff�

As always if I�m lying I�m dying

On-Out, Short Straw