Hash House Harriers Space Coast

H3SC Trash No. 2
Full Moon
November 10th, 2003

Dateline - Monday, 11-10-03. The troops assembled at Camp Kojak at 18:30
for a 3 mile full battle gear run to the front lines on a gale force evening.
Well, actually, this motley crew sauntered (real Marines don't saunter)
On-In in practically their skivvies for an excuse to drink beer.

Many of the Recruits were new to me so forgive me if your name is not included in the
ranks. There was: Kojak, Lollipop, Happy Meal, Kittylingus (late show),
newly engaged In My Mouth and Million Buck Phuck (not Golden Shower),
Moaner Boner (never leave camp), Mullet, Hoosier Daddy, Surf, Skybox, I'd Do It
With Her, Shirley Tinkle, Slow Poker, Snatch Wax, Pocket Rocket, CPA,
Krusty Kreme, BC (late), Rub Her Mound, Smells Like Fish, Tastes Like Fish,
Scrub Jay, a gaggle of virgins and me ..Bike Bitch.

We were rousted by Lieutenant Lollipop (it just sounds good)
for our marching orders and chalk talk and assembled in two's.
The secret code was laid out and we were On-Out.

As in all military operations things don't always go according to plan.
The expected full moon was supposed to light our way and expose our course
of attack but decided to go into stealth mode. We were told to look by streetlights for our
deliverance and did thus. The FRB's did their best to locate the trail but it appears
that the availability of flour must be at a premium during this time of war
and locating the "plops" was a feat worthy of LRRP (Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol).
No matter. We cried, "Semper Fi !" and trod On-On against all adversity.

The brilliant FRB's excelled in finding True Trail until they realized that
they weren't as smart as they thought they were when the Count Back Six was seen.
Much discussion as to which plop was #6 and much "which way ?" ensued as
we eventually faced the direction of the beach. I guess it was the allure my glow
stick (no, not that you filthy thing) but Hashers kept asking me for directions
thinking I had a clue. I informed them that, "I'm not from Over the Bridge."
which they found  amusing. I'm just a poor landlubber and not a Beech Nut.

As we approached A1A we detoured through a construction site and became
disoriented. Some insisted that there was a Beach Access and the trail must go that way.
I insisted that there were words to the effect of no beach trail and instead
found True Trail through a culvert. Listening is VERY important at Chalk
Talk even if you're not a virgin. I decide to whine about no full moon in
site at this point and was shown TWO !
Bad News: I saw the craters on Slow "Luna" Poker up close.
Good News: I saw the beautiful valleys of a Harriette I'm not sure of...
...and definitely not close enough.

Then came the glorious BEER NEAR sign !
But someone must tell Lieutenant Lollipop that BN means within
a  mile, preferably within 50 feet.  All returned to base having developed a
warrior worthy thirst and hunger. A circle was formed and addressed by
Commandant Kojak. Letters were read and congratulations to THE CORPS were
extolled. A note of thanks was given for Cumsicle's duty in the desert and
a virgin's daughter who had just entered the Marines. I was forced (totally
against my will) to do a Down-Down for referring to a soldiers weapon as a
"gun". I deserved that one. The circle was entertained by a dancing
Hamster ( Kojak couldn't afford a Bulldog ) as we sang the Marine Corps Anthem.

The chow was On-On and we all enjoyed a sumptuous and very gracious feast with
no threat of KP duty. Finally a USMC cake was brought out. By tradition
the first piece was given to the youngest Marine (Collin) and the second to
the oldest (not counting the cutter of the cake) Marine (more like a cowardly
draft dodger) Bike Bitch. A truly honorable night was had.
The troops dispersed to fight another day.
May the hash go in peace, May the hash get a piece,


  On-Out, Bike Bitch

And when the moon did show it was a glorious, breezy evening.  And thanks to
all of you for joining us and making this the best USMC Birthday celebration
we have had since we left the Foreign Service.

Fantastic job BB.  Thanks.

ON ONnn,